Build your own IPTV website

With the most powerful and exclusive templates


Core Features

Get your website live and running in 1 hour

Our templates are 100% optimized for IPTV websites, Fast, secure, clean design.

7 Days Money Back Guarantee

We guarantee your first subscription within the first 7 days or your money back.

Fast, Secured And Fully Optimized For Conversion

Based on some of the best IPTV websites, we created the highest converting templates.

Templates Powered with :

Fast & Converting

Get 20% Off on Web Hosting Services with Hostinger

Looking to create your own website or online store? Look no further than Hostinger! Register today using the link provided and receive a 20% discount on your purchase. Don’t miss out on this exclusive offer to save on web hosting and domain services. Register now and start building your online presence with Hostinger.


Templates Sold

+ 3,500

IPTV Orders

$ 206,500

In Subscriptions Revenue


How do I get started ?


Place your order

Choose your template from our range of high quality templates, Proceed with your PayPal or Bank Transfer Payment


Product WireframePayment Confirmation & Delivery

We might have to ask for a payment confirmation screenshot, once confirmed, we will email you your template withing 10min max.


Edit & Launch

Watch our video about editing your template which will take around 1 hour, This video will also be included with your order.

IPTV WordPress Templates

Let us help you start your IPTV business in no time,
With our ready-to-go templates,
You can start selling in the next hour !

WordPress Template

This is due to their excellent service.

eCommerce Ready

Start e-commerce with the click of a button

Buy - Edit - Launch - Make Sales

How to Install your template